Cheap Motorcycle Insurance | 7 Ways To Get The Best Deal


Mastering the Art of Motorcycle Insurance: Tips to Secure the Best Deal

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Navigating the world of motorcycle insurance can be challenging, especially when it's time to renew your policy. With a variety of options and tactics at your disposal, securing the best deal requires a bit of strategy and insight. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through several essential tips designed to help you cut costs while ensuring maximum coverage for your beloved two-wheeler.

Avoid Insurance Purchases Over the Phone

Purchasing insurance over the phone might seem convenient, but it often comes at a hidden cost. Call center agents, primarily focused on sales, may encourage you to add unnecessary products or services that inflate your overall expense. Additionally, these conversations are typically recorded, meaning any miscommunication or error could be held against you in the future. Besides, agents filling out forms on a call aren’t doing anything you couldn’t do yourself online. Stick to handling your insurance digitally where you can directly control the inputs and avoid unnecessary upselling.

Reject Automatic Renewal Quotes

When your current motorcycle insurance term comes to an end, you'll likely receive a renewal quote from your insurer. However, these offers are usually marked up by 20-30% more than the expired plan. Despite the convenience, accepting these without scrutiny is not financially prudent. Generally, it's better to switch providers annually to take advantage of the best rates. There could be instances where negotiating over the phone might help reduce the renewal quote, but these are exceptions rather than the norm.

Leverage Price Comparison Sites

One of the most effective tools at your disposal are price comparison websites. These platforms aggregate quotes from various insurers, allowing you to see who offers the best rates for the coverage you need. For UK residents, prominent sites include:

Entering your details into each of these sites can be a bit time-consuming, but it treats you as a new customer to each insurer, often leading to significantly lower rates.

Visit Individual Insurer Websites

After identifying the best deals on comparison sites, visit the insurer’s direct website. Occasionally, the rates offered there might be slightly lower than those on the aggregator sites due to the absence of any intermediary fees. Furthermore, insurance providers sometimes offer exclusive discounts on their websites that aren't available elsewhere.

Provide Detailed Information

When filling out insurance forms, be meticulous with details concerning security measures, riding qualifications, and any additional vehicles you own. These factors can qualify you for discounts, reducing your overall costs:

  • Security systems: Enhanced bike security features can lower the risk profile, leading to cheaper insurance.
  • Riding qualifications: Advanced riding courses can prove your competence and safety as a rider, appealing aspects for insurers.
  • Multiple vehicles: Owning multiple vehicles and insuring them with the same company can often trigger bulk discounts.

Watch Out for Automatically Added Extras

Many insurance websites and platforms automatically include additional features in their default insurance packages, such as helmet and leather cover, or breakdown assistance. While these extras can be beneficial, they also raise the premium cost. Tailor your insurance package to your needs and budget by opting out of unnecessary inclusions.

Evaluate the Cost-Effectiveness

Consider the effectiveness of your insurance relative to the value of your motorcycle and your personal circumstances. For instance, if you own a bike worth £2000, but the combined excess and premium costs nearly equal this value, a basic insurance policy might be more cost-effective unless you require specific coverages for peace of mind.


Securing the right motorcycle insurance involves more than just finding the lowest price; it’s about understanding your needs, knowing the market, and strategically using the tools available to you. By following these tips, you're not only poised to find better deals but also more adept at navigating the complexities of motorcycle insurance policies. Remember, every little detail can contribute to a safer ride and a more secure financial future. Happy riding!


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